Weighted Blankets for Autism

Autism spectrum disorder, often shorted to autism, is a developmental disorder in the brain which affects 1 in 45 children, ages 3-17. This disorder is a combination of conditions, which affect speech, social skills, and behavior. Children with autism often have trouble communicating verbally, making eye contact, being physically touched, or interacting with loud noises. Not all cases of autism are the same, and not all children exhibit the same symptoms.

There is no cure for autism, or many of the symptoms associated with it, although parents can use different types of therapy to alleviate some symptoms and make their child’s life easier. One modern treatment is a weighted blanket.

How the Blanket Helps

Weighted blankets help deliver a form of deep touch sensory therapy to children with autism, which calms them and makes them feel secure in their environment. The blankets are designed to deliver evenly distributed weight through small pockets of micro-fill beads, or other weighted objects, which are used as stuffing.

When a child lays beneath the weighted blanket, or wraps it around his or her shoulders, it delivers the sensation of a warm hug without the need for physical intimacy. For a child who has trouble touching others and interacting socially, this simulated hug can go a long way to delivering some of the physical sensation needed to promote healthy thoughts and a calm mind and body.

Weighted Blankets and Anxiety

A symptom associated with autism is anxiety, because children who suffer from autism can easily be overloaded by sensory materials and other interactions. Studies have proven that weighted blankets help to decrease levels of anxiety and increase the natural production of serotonin, which increases positive moods.

If your child has difficulties with anxiety, a weighted blanket may be the perfect tool to introduce calmness and security to tense situations.

Weighted Vests and Other Tools

It isn’t only weighted blankets that work to counteract some of the anxiety symptoms associated with autism. You can also purchase vests, lap throws, shoulder wraps, and more. These smaller, more easily transferred items work well in the school system for children who require sensory therapy, not only at bedtime, but all day.

You may also want to consider purchasing a small weighted blanket, like one designed for a baby or toddler, to use with your school aged child on the go. He or she can drape it over legs, shoulders, or back when feeling overwhelmed.

Weighted Blankets at Bedtime

Bedtime can be a difficult time for any child, but children with autism can have extra trouble getting to bed and falling asleep. Weighted blankets have shown great success in combating fears of bedtime, and making the bedtime process more enjoyable for parents and children with autism.

When your child climbs beneath a weighted blanket, the deep touch sensation promotes feelings of safety and comfort. Even after you’ve tucked your child in and left them alone in their room, the weighted blanket continues to feel like somebody is there with them.

The weight in an anxiety blanket makes it easier for children to focus on just one thing as they fall asleep. This takes their focus off any other senses or worries they may have while trying to fall asleep at night. A better sleep makes for an easier morning and day, facing whatever new challenges may arise.

Transitions and Autism

Nobody likes change, but it can be especially difficult for autistic children to deal with new changes, especially big ones in their lives. If you plan on travelling to a vacation home for the summer, you’re moving to a new town, or you’re going through a divorce which will cause disruptions to your child’s normal daily life, he or she may find it difficult to cope. A weighted blanket can help with these transitions and reduce anxiety.

Your weighted blanket can travel in the car, go from home to home, and offer some familiarity in new surroundings. This will make the transition process less disruptive to your child.

For more information on weighted blankets for autism, ADHD, and other special needs, visit our main website at www.anxietyblanket.com. You can also check to our blog for regularly updated material regarding weighted blankets and their many uses and benefits.

Weighted Blankets for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which makes it difficult for children to focus on just one thing. It increases levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and decreases social awareness. Children with ADHD sometimes present immature or destructive behaviors. While these children can be very loving and kind, they often lack the control to be fully self-aware.

ADHD affects both children and adults, and is normally treated through prescription medication. If you are looking for a natural alternative treatment, ask your physician about weighted blankets and whether they might work for you or your child. For a closer look at weighted blankets and how they help those with ADHD, read on below.

Sleep Schedules and Insomnia in ADHD Patients

Children and adults with ADHD often have difficulty putting their minds and bodies to bed at the same time. This results in restlessness, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. Fortunately, weighted blankets offer a natural solution to healthier sleep habits. In one 2015 study, researchers monitored the sleep habits of six individuals diagnosed ADHD using chain weighted blanket. The results showed that individuals who used the blanket needed less time to fall asleep, enjoyed a more thorough night’s rest, and felt more awake and functional the following day.1

 Science shows that the use of deep pressure therapy, especially in cases of ADHD create a calming effect. Anxiety blankets evenly distribute weighted objects, such as poly-fil beads, to help the user feel more secure and safe in their environment. This is particularly useful at bedtime, when ADHD patients have time to let their minds wander.

Sensory Overload

Sensory overload can affect anybody with ADHD, but is especially disruptive for children who have yet to build coping methods. Sensory overload can stem from too much noise, flashing lights, and other sensory stimuli. Weighted blankets help to block out the external stimuli which could cause a meltdown, or for a child to become upset and inconsolable. The use of a weighted blanket provides a tangible resource on which the child can focus; this restores some balance, even if the stimulant is still active in the child’s personal space.

Contact Without Contact

Those diagnosed with ADHD often have trouble making and keeping friends, which can be difficult emotionally. Fortunately, weighted blankets simulate the sensory experience of a hug, increasing natural serotonin production and making the user feel happy. Human contact is a proven necessity for any healthy person, making weighted blankets an important resource in the lives of children and adults who may miss out on most social and sensory experiences of this nature.

This synthetic hug can also prevent feelings of loneliness in children or adults who have been diagnosed ADHD, but also suffer from social anxiety or other social disorders which prevent regular physical interaction from occurring.

Weighted Blankets in the Classroom

One of the main areas of life where weighted blankets come in handy is in the classroom. This is because the evenly distributed weight of the blankets allows individuals to focus better, and pay attention to trouble subjects. Occupational therapists may suggest having a few different weighted items on hand, such as vests, lap blankets, or neck wraps for children with special needs, such as ADHD or autism.

Some children prefer to bring their own weighted blankets from home, making the transition from home to school a little bit easier. Having an item of familiarity can help your child connect the happiness and comfort of home, with the potential comfort of new surroundings.

Wearing a weighted blanket may not always be an option, which is why some teachers only promote the use of them in learning centers, and other specialized learning areas. Children with ADHD respond well to boundaries and schedules, so working weighted blanket therapy into a time slot during everyday activities will help your student follow procedure and come to expect the use of the blanket as a learning tool.

Weighted blankets may also be useful for students with ADHD who suffer from test anxiety. Being able to focus on the questions being asked, by focusing on the weight of an anxiety blanket could improve grades and self-esteem.

For more information on weighted blankets and how they help in cases of ADHD, visit our main webpage at www.anxietyblanket.com. You can also following along with our blog as we continue to update new information on weighted blankets, and their benefits.

Weighted Blanket Therapy – The Truth Behind It

Weighted blankets were developed based on the principles of sensory integration therapy, discovered by A. Jean Ayres. The idea behind this theory is that the way our bodies regulate physical sensations affect our mental behaviors and emotions. Therefore, by implementing the use of an item which produces a specific type of sensory experience for an individual, you could change the way they feel.

Following the discovery of sensory integration therapy, occupational therapists began toying with different ways to incorporate it into their sessions. What they learned was that by adding weight to clothing, or a blanket, they could change the way an individual felt in terms of anxiety or mental distress.

Weighted blankets have become a staple in the world of anxiety therapy and special needs care. They help those with insomnia, autism, ADHD, and a variety of other disorders. For a closer look at the way that weighted blanket therapy works, read on below.

Weighted Blankets and Anxiety

Weighted blankets treat anxiety in multiple ways, including the introduction to a safe and secure environment. Weighted blankets distribute small pouches of poly-fil beads which create a slight pressure against the user. This pressure stimulates the production neurotransmitters, such as serotonin. Serotonin is one of the natural chemicals your body produces to ease stress and anxiety, and promote happiness.

Some individuals who suffer from chronic anxiety disorders have lower than average production rates for serotonin and dopamine. Using a weighted blanket can help to rectify this issue. The reason these natural chemicals are produced when using the blanket is because the blanket simulates the sensation of a hug. Studies have shown that human interactions such as cuddling and hugging assist in the production of healthy serotonin levels.

Weighted Blankets and Sleep

Serotonin doesn’t just ease anxiety, it also helps promote healthy sleeping patterns. Studies have proven that there is a connection between neurotransmitters and sleep. This means that by using a weighted blanket at bedtime, you can increase sleep time, and decrease interruptions in sleep patterns. This is especially important because anxiety, depression, and insomnia have been linked.

Weighted blanket therapy works well for those who suffer from insomnia, because it creates a protective barrier, increases serotonin levels, and makes it easier to forget the hundreds of thoughts swimming in your head and simply focus on the weight you feel. Sleep disorders can affect individuals of any age and gender, making weighted blankets a helpful tool for children and adults with sleeping issues.

Weighted Blanket Therapy and Special Needs

Weighted blanket therapy works well for children who have been diagnosed with autism or ADHD. This is because the blanket imitates the pressure of human touch, without imposing actual physical and social touch on the child. The evenly distributed pressure provides a tangible object and sensation on which the child can concentrate.

Weighted blankets come in many sizes and shapes, making it easy to take them on the go, or pack them in a school bag. Many children with autism have trouble dealing with change; whether it’s the difference between home and a classroom, or a move to a new house, using a weighted blanket can make these transitions easier on the child.

Weighted Blankets and Babies

Weighted blanket therapy isn’t reserved for disorders and special needs, it can also be used to ease fussy babies and misbehaving toddlers. Blankets designed for babies and toddlers are lighter in weight than those designed for adults. The suggested weight measurement is 10% of your idea weight based on height and BMI. Babies, however, may use blankets lighter than their 10%.

Weighted swaddling blankets and toddler sized blankets can be easily packed into a diaper bag to use on the go. These blankets help to calm tantrums, and sooth children who are upset. Using a weighted blanket on your baby promotes their ability to self sooth by providing the sensation of being held, without the need to hold and cuddle at every tear.

While weighted blankets are a safe and natural alternative to some pharmaceutical treatments for the above mentioned disorders and symptoms, they should not be used to replace a doctor’s prescription without that physician’s consent.

For more information on weighted blanket therapy, and how sensory integration therapy might help your child, visit our main site at www.anxietyblanket.com. You can also check back for updates and new blogs about weighted blankets and their many uses.

Weighted Blanket Reviews – The Best of the Best

With so many weighted blanket options on the market, it can be difficult to know where to start and who to trust. To give you an idea of a few of the top contenders in this field, we’ve compiled a list of the best of the best, and created a little review of each. Here is our top 5 weighted blankets of the year.

5 – Premium Weighted Blanket by HT: This blanket has a higher price point, but offers a free toy or gift for autism, ADHD, and anxiety sufferers. The weighted blanket comes in 4 sizes/weights, and has a silky soft fabric on the outside for additional comfort. As far as anxiety blankets go, this one makes our top 5 list because of the high quality materials, and the attention to detail. HT makes a variety of other weighted blankets as well, including a selection for children and even toddlers in different prints and fabrics. You can purchase this blanket through the company’s online sales portal at www.amazon.com.

4 – SensaCalm Custom Weighted Blankets: SensaCalm makes weighted blankets, wraps, lap pads, and accessories, and caters to individuals of all ages and ability. Their customization process allows you to choose the fabric, size, fill weight, and additional touches, such as snaps, matching pillowcases, and more. The company even has an option for children under the age of 1, which takes into consideration how tiny the baby is. SensaCalm blankets are a more affordable option when compared to the Premium Weighted Blanket by HT, and include licensed fabric print options. You can purchase these blankets from the company’s official website at www.sensacalm.com.

3- Mosaic Weighted Blankets: Mosaic sets itself apart from the crowd by creating unique anxiety blankets for men, women, children, seniors, and even couples. The company has a wide assortment of prints and fabric styles, with additional products, such as weighted shoulder pads, scarves, and more. Mosaic also sells DIY weighted blanket kits, allowing the customer to choose the style and fabric, and create their own anxiety blanket at home. We put Mosaic Weighted Blankets in spot 3 of our top 5 because of their impressive online customer reviews, larger than average selection, and attention to detail. Check these blankets out for yourself at www.mosaicweightedblankets.com.

2 – Weight on Me Weighted Blanket: The Weight on Me blanket is available in Canada and the United States, and with a slogan like, “get hugged!”, it’s not difficult to see why they’re becoming so popular. This blanket made our number 2 spot because of their 5-layer blanket technology, which includes a cotton safety liner to reduce the possibility of spillage or choking on small beads. The company offers more than 1000 pattern options, with a printed top layer, and soft “huggable” backing for greater sensory enjoyment. At an affordable price point, and with plenty of information on how they products help with anxiety, ADHD, aggression, and autism, they are a front runner as far as we’re concerned. Visit Weight on me Weighted Blanket at www.myweightedblanket.com.

1 – The Weighted Blanket Company: Our number one contender may not have all the bells and whistles of previously mentioned weighted blankets, but what they do have is a high grade, premium quality product, with a 1-year warranty, and a huge display of positive feedback from happy customers. The Weighed Blanket Company claims to be the first of its kind, and hand crafts each product in Tennessee, U.S. These blankets are tried, tested, and true, each coming in the same soft material, in varying colors and sizes. Affordable and accommodating, the Weighted Blanket Company makes our number one place because of their great quality product, and promise to customers for full customer satisfaction. You can find these blankets at www.theweightedblanketco.com.

Don’t take our word for how great these products are, try them and see for yourself. There are so many benefits associated with weighted blankets, from sleep disorders to anxiety disorders. You can also use these blankets for the purposes of comfort and relaxation.

To learn more about weighted blankets, and discover the scientifically proven benefits of how these products work, contact us today at www.anxietyblanket.com. You can also follow along with our blog as we continue to update new and exciting updates on weighted blanket products and fun facts about them.

Weighted Blanket for Kids Benefits

From baby to teen, your children are your life, which is why we want to share the benefits that weighted blankets can bring to your family. Here at www.anxietyblanket.com, we love to celebrate all that weighted blankets can do, from easing anxiety to promoting calmness. Whether you’ve got a little guy or gal going through the toddler stage, or an elementary school aged child transitioning into the pre-teen years, weighted blankets can help.

Sleepovers Away from Home

Sleepover parties are exciting, novel, and help your child develop social skills. Unfortunately, not all children are able to experience sleepover parties the way that other kids do. Being away from home can cause separation anxiety, home sickness, and other stressors, which make it difficult for children to enjoy the time they have with their friends. While many children and parents are understanding of these issues, it could make your child feel ostracized or different from his or her friends.

Weighted blankets are a great solution to the homesick feeling some kids bring with them to sleepover parties. The evenly distributed weight in these blankets create the feeling of being wrapped in a warm hug. Not only does this promote feelings of comfort, but it also allows your child to bring a little piece of home with them on their trip.

Whether your child is sleeping away from home for a one night birthday bash, or it’s a week-long school trip, he or she will feel calmer and more secure with a weighted blanket to wrap around them at night.

Disorders and Special Needs

Weighted blankets have been used by occupational therapists and doctors for more than two decades to help manage symptoms of ADHD, autism, and other special needs. The weight from the blanket helps to create a secure environment for children who have sensory issues. Studies have shown that using these blankets decrease anxiety levels and make it easier for kids to focus.

The use of weighted vests during waking hours is a good way to continue the use of a weighted blanket at night. Some companies provide products, such as neck and shoulder wraps, lap pads, and vests, as well as blankets. These have also shown positive outcomes for children with special needs.

Behavioral Issues

Weighted blankets have also been shown to improve aggressive behavior in children who suffer from behavioral disorders. The calming effect of weighted blankets helps children relax during moments of duress, and may make it easier to speak to them about where the behavior is coming from and how it can be fixed.

Transitional Times

One of the major areas of life where weighted blankets come in handy, is during a tough transition. An example of this could be a move to a new house, a death in the family, or a divorce. Some children have problems coping with changes, especially big ones, and this can make it difficult to sleep, maintain regular eating habits, and cause antisocial behaviors and a fall in school grades.

Weighted blankets can help support your child during this tough transition, but giving them a safe and secure space to feel what they are feeling. Anxiety blankets promote the natural production of serotonin, which helps to improve mood. These blankets also produce a synthetic hugging sensation, which will keep your child feeling like they aren’t alone in these changes.

If your child is having trouble transitioning from one home to another during a divorce, try using one weighted blanket between the two new houses. This allows your child to bring something familiar, and comforting whenever there is a switch. Whether staying with Mom or Dad, a weighted blanket will make your child feel more at home.

Fussy Babies

Weighted blankets for a baby or toddler are much lighter than those used for older children. Sometimes, these blankets are specially designed to swaddle, and don’t use the same 10% of the ideal body weight rule, that a standard weighted blanket would use.

Anxiety blankets work well for fussy babies and toddlers. By using a weighted blanket, you simulate the sensation of a hug for your little guy or girl; this helps your baby self sooth more quickly, promoting healthy sleep patterns.

For more information on weighted blankets and how they can help your family, check out our main webpage at www.anxietyblanket.com. Keep checking back to our blog for more interesting articles, fun facts, and advice. We love sharing the magic of weighted blankets with the world, and hope that you’ll share your own experiences with us.

Weighted Blanket for Adults Benefits

Weighted blankets are beneficial for people of all ages, but there are some advantages which are particularly useful for adults. If you’re considering a weighted blanket for yourself or somebody you know, check out these top reasons for trying an anxiety blanket.

Romance and Loneliness

It has been scientifically proven that men and women require physical touch and socialization to live a happy healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, not all adults have the time or ability to meet a partner, or even make close friends. Work and other time constraints make it difficult to engage in all the social activities that you may have been able to enjoy when you were younger. Therefore, the weighted blanket makes a wonderful tool for those who are suffering from loneliness.

Simulating the sensation of a warm hug, the weighted blanket can help you feel like you aren’t alone. Whether you need a pat on the back for a job well done, or you hate going to bed alone at night, the anxiety blanket can ease these discomforts and make it easier to relax in your current environment, until you find somebody to share your time with.

Time Away from Home

Whether you’re in a profession which takes you away from home often, or you just enjoy travelling, but miss home when you do, a weighted blanket can help. The feelings of security which come with the evenly distributed pressure of an anxiety blanket will help you forget you’re not in your own bed, especially if it’s a tool you use regularly at home.

Use it to defeat anxiety over new surroundings, such as hotel rooms, or to find a comfortable spot in a strange new bed. This tool will also help you sleep if you’ve become dependent on having your partner in bed with you at night, but must sleep alone while out of town. The weighted feeling assists in forgetting that you’re the only one in the bed.

Trouble Sleeping

Many men and women find it difficult to find a comfortable position in bed, or drift off at night with too many ideas running through the head. A weighted blanket makes it easier to get comfortable, by providing a soothing sensation which is evenly distributed across the bed. They are also used for children and adults who have problems focusing, which means that sleeping with a weighted blanket will help you put all of hose buzzing ideas to bed, so you can get some rest too.

Insomnia affects nearly 60-million Americans each year, and the adult body requires 7-9 hours of rest each night to remain healthy and alert. An anxiety blanket can be a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals, to ease you into a better sleep schedule.

Anxiety and Stress

Work-life, home-life, and family-life can sometimes seem like entirely different lives to be living; toss in finances and personal relationships, and you’ve got even more to juggle. With so much to do and so little time in the day to accomplish it, it’s no wonder that so many feels like they’re drowning in the stress of daily life. To make matters worse, many individuals aren’t just feeling that stress naturally, but are experiencing it in an amplified form due to anxiety and other mental issues.

Anxiety blankets are a great coping tool, whether you use it in the quiet privacy of home, or you bring it to work and use it in the office during your break, for a short stint of calming relaxation. The blankets can be used sitting up, or laying down, in a bed, or on a couch or chair. Wherever you feel comfortable using your anxiety blanket, you can gain its benefits, and calm busy thoughts.

Anxiety blankets help your body product natural levels of serotonin, which provokes feelings of positivity. This is a great help for those who suffer from chronic anxiety issues. You should always speak to a physician about changing treatments, but you will find that weighted blankets are a great way to treat panic attacks and moments of anxiety without medications.

For more information on how using an anxiety blanket can benefit adults, contact us at www.anxietyblankets.com today. We are always happy to speak to new or existing clients and discuss the science behind the product. Our customers are our priority; we want to make sure you’re satisfied with your blanket, and that you’re getting all you can from it.

How Weighted Blankets Help Insomnia and Sleep Issues

Approximately 60-million Americans deal with sleep disorders a year, from insomnia to hypersomnia. Many doctors will prescribe medication to counteract these symptoms, but for some, these drugs can become addictive. If you’re looking for a less invasive treatment to help you rest better at night and wake up refreshed in the morning, consider using a weighted blanket.

How Weighted Blankets Work for Sleep Insomnia

Weighted blankets are designed with evenly distributed pockets of plastic beads, or other weighted objects, which create a type of sensory therapy. This pressure across your body promotes the feeling of security, and makes it easier to focus on a single thing, rather than going over everything that you’ve got to do tomorrow.

Insomnia occurs for many reasons, and while a weighted blanket may not be a miracle cure, it can certainly make an impact on your sleep schedule and waking health. Recent studies have shown that weighted blankets reduce levels of anxiety and create a safe and comfortable environment for those who suffer from anxiety disorders. Even if your insomnia isn’t caused by a type of anxiety, these blankets can help.

Getting Comfortable with a Weighted Blanket

There are many ways to use a weighted blanket, and they are sold in different sizes, colors, and materials. Depending on what you find comfortable, you might choose a weighted blanket that only covers your legs, or you might select on which acts as a full-sized comforter on your bed. When you first introduce a weighted blanket to your bed, it will feel different, but give it a chance to work its magic.

Weighted blankets for insomnia work best when combined with a regulated sleep schedule to help your body adjust its biological clock to a regular sleep time. Create a routine that allows you to climb under your weighted blanket with the lights out around the same time every night, this will help to further treat symptoms of insomnia and decrease your waking time.

Insomnia and Serotonin

Serotonin has been linked in the past to depression and anxiety, but these aren’t the only two neurological issues it affects. Studies show that your serotonin levels also affect sleep patterns. In fact, many individuals suffering from low natural serotonin production and depression also suffer from insomnia.

Fortunately, one of the key benefits of a weighted blanket is its ability to help your body produce serotonin. This natural neurotransmitter releases feelings of happiness, which easy anxiety, and make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. The reason for this reaction stems from the blanket\s sensory functionality; appearing to those who use it, as a warm hug. This imitation of human physical intimacy causes a reaction in the brain which releases serotonin and thus promotes healthier sleep patterns.

Scientific Proof

There have been many studies performed over the past two decades which research the many amazing benefits of weighted blankets. One such study, published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders in 2015, found that when monitoring insomnia patients using weighted blankets there was significantly less movement through the night. The research team also noted that sleep time increased, and quality of sleep was better as reported by patients.1

The conclusions of this study suggest that weighted blankets are an innovative and non-invasive alternative to drugs and other types of therapy, when dealing with insomnia. Unlike medications which can have long lasting effects, and which users may become dependent on, weighted blankets can be used extensively with no health risks at all.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of insomnia, such as difficulty falling asleep, waking through the night, an inability to focus, difficulty staying away during the day, anxiety and irritability, or headaches and fogginess speak to your physician about trying a weighted blanket today. You can purchase weighted blankets online and through many brick and mortar establishments. For a look at the top brands of weighted blankets on the market today, check out our other blog posts.

For more information on weighted blankets and how they can help insomnia, and other anxiety based disorders, visit our main webpage at www.anxietyblanket.com. We are constantly updating our blog with new and relevant information on weighted blankets and how they work.

How to Make a Weighted Blanket – The DIY Guide

Weighted blankets are becoming more popular, and some people have even begun to construct their own at home. With downloadable patterns and several types of stuffing to choose from, you can personalize your anxiety blanket to suit your taste and style.

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to make your own weighted blanket at home, check out these design ideas.

Tie-up Blanket for Kids

Before crafting your anxiety blanket for a young person, you should know that the final product should only weigh up to 15% maximum of your child’s body weight. You want the final product to be comforting, but also safe. For this project you will need the following:

1 pair craft scissors

4 yards micro-fleece fabric (in your choice of design)

Sewing thread (the same color as your fabric)

Scrap fabric from old curtains or sheets

1 sheet white paper

1 marker

1 ruler

100 oz. or 10 cups poly-fil beads

Sewing needle or sewing machine

To begin, you will want to create a small template which you will use to form bean bags. These bean bags will be sewn into the blanket, so you want them to be uniform. On your paper, using a ruler and your marker, draw a long rectangle; this rectangle will be traced again and again onto your scrap fabric until you can cut out ten identical rectangles. Each rectangle can now be sewn into pockets with one side left open. 1 cup of poly-fil beads goes inside of each rectangle, before the final side is sewn closed.

Now it’s time to form the blanket; cut your microfleece fabric into two identical squares or rectangle. You can base the shape and size on the needs of the child it is being made for. Remember that once it is tied, it will lose about two inches on each side, so make it too big, rather than too small when cutting.

On the inside of one microfleece square tack your beanbags into place by distributing them evenly across the fabric. Sew down a stitch or two on each corner and one in the middle to hold them firmly in place. If you want to be precise with your distance measurements, you can use your ruler to place them evenly, but as long as they look fairly spaced, the blanket will work.

Once bean bags are sewn in, lay your two squares of microfleece on top of each other, so that the bean bags are inside and both outer facing pieces of fabric are facing out. Cut small strips into the sides, approximately 2 inches deep and ½ -1inch apart, and tie them each strip together so that the two layers are joined. Use strong double knots so that the blanket doesn’t come apart.

Adult Weighted Quilt

For a modern adult sized weighted quilt style anxiety blanket you will want the blanket to be approximately 10% of the weight which is deemed healthy for your height. You will also require a sewing machine, as this blanket will require more sewing than the tie blanket above. Before you begin, you will need:

Cotton material (two new bedsheets work well for full sized blankets)

Thread (same color as fabric)

Sewing machine

Chalk pen (you can buy these at fabric stores)


14 cups Poly-fill beads

1-2 bags stuffing (found at craft stores)

In this blanket, there will be no bean bags, instead you will put the beads into quilt patches as you sew. Begin by trimming the sheets so that they are two equal squares, and lay them on one top of the other. Now, using your ruler and a chalk pen to mark out 7 rows of 7 squares. Next, sew each column, leaving the ends open for stuffing. Stuff each section, one at a time as you begin to sew the horizontal columns into your blanket. Use one cup of beads and a handful of stuffing for each square you stuff.

You should notice your blanket coming together as equal pouches, and beginning to resemble a quilt. When the blanket is finished, you should see 49 squares, each packed with weighted beads and soft stuffing.

For more information on anxiety blankets, visit our main website at www.anxietyblanket.com. Keep an eye on our blog for more interesting facts on weighted blankets, and how they can benefit your life.

How Heavy Should a Weighted Blanket Be

Choosing the correct weight for an anxiety blanket will depend on the individual you are purchasing the product for. Most occupational therapists suggest a weight of 10% of the idea body weight for a child, plus 1-2lbs, depending on the size and weight of said child. For an adult 10% of the ideal body weight is the average, not exceeding 15%.

Calculating the 10% which will be used to buy the right sized blanket takes a little more work than stepping onto the scale and multiplying that number by 0.10. First you need to determine what the ideal body weight is for your height and build. The reason therapists use an ideal body weight, rather than your current weight is because some adults are overweight, which may put your blanket weight measurement into an extreme weight category. For example, if you weigh 300lbs, you will end up with a 30lb blanket which could cause difficulties with breathing, or moving during sleep.

Your Ideal Body Weight

Your ideal body weight is determined by height, but can fluctuate based on your frame size, and other factors. Below we have outlined a chart from Rush University Medical Center1 which signifies your ideal weight by height, however, your doctor may be able to give you a more accurate reading of where your ideal weight should rest.

4’10”: 91-118lbs

4’11”: 94-123lbs

5’: 97-127lbs

5’1”: 100-131lbs

5’2”: 104-135lbs

5’3”: 107-140lbs

5’4”: 110-144lbs

5’5”: 114-149lbs

5’6”: 118-154lbs

5’7”: 121-158lbs

5’8”: 125-163lbs

5’9”: 128-168lbs

5’10”: 132-173lbs

5’11”: 136-178lbs

6’: 140-183lbs

For children, you should speak to a physician for the accurate weight reading and ideal weight. Once you have this number, you can determine the weight of your blanket.

Calculating Blanket Weight

Now that you have an idea of your ideal weight, based on height, or by asking your family doctor, you can calculate the perfect weight for an anxiety blanket. Begin by taking your ideal weight and multiplying it by .10. This will give you 10% of your ideal body weight. For example, if you are 5’8” with a large build, your ideal weight would be about 163lbs.

163lbs x .10 = 16.3lbs

You can round this number to 16, choosing the option closest to this weight when selecting a blanket. Not all blankets come in any size and weight you choose, which means you’ll need to make a choice from the available options. For this calculation, a blanket of 15-17lbs would be acceptable.

For more information on weighted blankets, how to choose blankets, and more, follow along with us at www.anxietyblanket.com. We are always updating our site with new and useful information regarding anxiety blankets and their many uses.

What if I’m Not Choosing a Sleeping Blanket?

There are many styles of weighted blanket, from lap and shoulder wraps to full king-sized quilts. The way you plan to use your blanket can also impact the weight it should be measured at. If you plan to spread your blanket across your lap only, it could afford to be slightly heavier than the standard 10% of your ideal body weight. On the other hand, if it is being placed across your shoulders, slightly less than 10% will be more comfortable.

Fortunately, different manufacturers will provide you with a little more insight on weight and how to choose when it comes time to order, but it certainly helps to have an idea before you start shopping. If you suffer from muscle or joint weakness, which may prevent you from pushing a weighted blanket away from your body, you should consider choosing something lighter than the standard.

Choosing Weight for Function

Whether you’re choosing a weighted blanket for sleeping, anxiety issues, or to help calm a child with autism or ADHD, it is important to distribute the weight evenly throughout the blanket. There’s no real fluctuation between reasons for use, only between the user and your weight and height. Be sure to choose a blanket which is long enough for your purposes as well. It helps to have measurements of your body before ordering.

For more information on weighted blankets and how to choose the appropriate size for you or your family, visit our main site at www.anxietyblanket.com. You can also continue checking our blog for future updates about weighted blankets, their uses, and helpful tips.

Do Weighted Blankets Help Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common human emotion which makes you feel nervous, upset, and uneasy. Anxiety disorders differ from this basic emotion by creating a chronic issue which can start to affect your everyday life, and make it difficult to function.

There are different types of anxiety, for example, social anxiety makes it difficult for individuals to walk in large crowds, attend social functions, or even make friends. Panic disorder, causes fear, loss of breath, and quickened heart rate. It can make you feel like you’re suffocating, even while you are breathing.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder include insomnia, muscle tensions, irrational fears, inability to focus, dizziness, and unexplainable insecurities. Using a weighted blanket can help counteract some of these symptoms, by supplying an evenly distributed sensation of pressure across the user.

How Weighted Blankets Work

Weighted blankets come in different shapes and sizes, but one thing they all have in common is the heaviness within them. Instead of the standard stuffing your duvet holds, a weighted blanket is filled with synthetic beads, or other materials which work to create a heavy internal layer. This layer should only be approximately 10% of your body weight.

As the weighted blanket descends onto your body, you will feel a sensation very similar to a hug. This sensation causes your brain to produce the natural happiness chemical called serotonin. The heaviness of the material also induces feelings of calmness, security, and makes it easier to focus on one thing at a time, and relax.

For those who suffer from anxiety, using a weighted blanket can help you detach from inner monologue and distracting thoughts by providing you with a tangible thing on which to focus. It also provides a layer of protection between you and the outside world, making you feel safe in your personal space.

While you may not be able to take your weighted blanket to the shopping mall with you to battle feelings of anxiety in the crowd, you can use it before and after a visit to the store to calm yourself.

The Science Behind Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets have become popular over the past two decades because of their usefulness in cases of autism, ADHD, and anxiety. Many studies have been conducted to test these blankets with human subjects, and determine how well they work, and why. One such study, published in the Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering in 2012, tested the anxiety blanket theory in a dental office.

Dentist visits can be stressful; statistically, about 15% of Americans will avoid seeing the dentist each year due to fears and anxiety. This translates into approximately 40-million people; that’s a lot of missed appointments. To demonstrate the calming effect of the blanket, researchers invited 15 healthy female volunteers between the ages of 22 and 33 to make a visit to the dentist while using a weighted blanket. Stress reactions were measured by electrodermal activity and a behavioral assessment. The results proved that weighted blankets made a significant difference in anxiety levels throughout the dentist visit.1

Which Weighted Blanket is Best for Me?

Weighted blankets come in a variety of fabrics and colors, and choosing one can depend on your personal style, price point, and what you find comfortable. If the blanket is weighted to about 10% of your body weight, it will work to alleviate sensations of stress and anxiety.

For children, microfleece is a good option, because it is soft to the touch, and still functions as a warm blanket on cold days. For adults, a basic cotton exterior is enough to offer pressure stimulation without any added bells or whistles.

Before choosing an anxiety blanket, you should also look at the washing instructions, especially if you aren’t the type to visit a drycleaner often. Some weighted blankets can go through a standard wash and dry cycle, while others need to be laid flat to dry, and still others are dry clean only.

There hasn’t been much distinction in weighted blanket studies which set one style of blanket apart from another. It will come down to personal preference in the end, so just focus on choosing an anxiety blanket that makes you feel good.

For more information on weighted blankets, or to see what’s new on our blog, visit our main website at www.anxietyblanket.com.